Pat Robertson
Pat Robertson

Pat Robertson was born on March 22, 1930, which would make him 93 years old if no further information is available. However, please note that this information might be outdated, and it is always a good idea to verify with current sources.

net worth

Regarding Pat Robertson's net worth, estimates can vary, and it's important to note that net worth can change over time. As of 2021, his net worth was reported to be around $100 million. Again, this figure may have changed since then, so it's advisable to consult up-to-date sources or financial publications for the most accurate information.

Pat Robertson wife 

Pat Robertson's wife is Adelia "Dede" Elmer. They got married on August 26, 1954, and have been married for several decades. However, please note that relationship statuses may have changed since my last knowledge update. It's always a good idea to verify current information from reliable sources.